TC DDSS 'Data Driven System Simulation'
Based on the concepts of equations, networks, algorithms and causal understanding of the world, modelling and simulation has reached a high level of describing systems and processes, like complex technical systems, ecological systems or production and logistic processes. On the other hand, big data has come to an eminent importance based on sensors and computational efforts in measuring our world. Today, a number of technologies for the construction, monitoring, and evaluation exist. A huge amount of activities can be seen in research, founding, policy and media.
Still, interfaces and methods for linking these technologies are to be intensified. Especially complex socio-technical systems intertwining technologies and humans, aiming to serve the goals of citizens on different levels, ranging from the personal goals of a citizen with regard to, e.g., work or mobility, to the management of Health Care by policy and decision makers. One prerequisite to achieve this is the analysis of actual data and forecasting of the future behavior with simulation methods.
Next generation tools are needed to make development, construction monitoring, and analysis of such systems easier, faster, more reliable and – one of the most important things – comprehensible for decision makers and other stakeholders, therefore increasing the understanding of natural systems and the acceptance of complex man made systems.
The EUROSIM Technical Committee DDSS 'Data Driven System Simulation' aims for support and coordination of combined research in the following areas:
Data: Integration, storage, management and analysis of very large amounts of data, unstructured data, secure and reproducible data management from sensors, IoT and various data sources like dynamic databases or non-structured information sources, collecting data, interfaces and analysis methods from statistics, machine learning, and visual analysis.
Models: Formal, scalable modelling of various systems, heterogeneous modelling of subsystems and the integration of these subsystems, development of modelling methods for computational complex systems, multi method modelling, including coupling and comparison based on data, system knowledge and applications demands.
Computation: Combining data and models to simulation tools for complex systems, developing innovative methods in numerical mathematics, co-simulation, hybrid simulation and reproducible simulation.
Lessons: Interfaces and visualization of simulation results, decision support systems and future development of Human-Computer Interaction (HCI).
The TC DDSS is organising special sessions and workshops at EUROSIM events and is preparing / stimulating publications in this area.
Contact: TC DDSS coordinator Nikolas Popper, TU Wien - COCOS (Center for Computational Complex Systems),, and dwh simulation services,
Kontakt AG Big Data und Complex Systems
Nikolas Popper
Dipl.-Ing. Dr. Nikolas Popper
dwh Simulation Services
1070 Wien, Österreich
Aufgaben ASIM: Mitglied Vorstand (direkt gewählt), , Kontakt Big Data, Complex Systems
Aufgaben FG GMMS: Fachexperte, Leiter der Arbeitsgruppe Big Data und Complex Systems; Modellierungsvergleiche, Simulation für Health Care Systems
Thorsten Pawletta
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Thorsten Pawletta
Hochschule Wismar
Fakultät für Ingenieurwissenschaften, FG Computational Eng. & Automation
23952 Wismar, Deutschland
Tel: +49-3841-753 7406
Aufgaben ASIM: Mitglied Vorstand (direkt gewählt), stellv. Sprecher ASIM, ASIM-Publikationen
Aufgaben FG GMMS: Stellv. Sprecher, Ereignisdiskrete Systeme, Hybride Systeme, DEVS, Echtzeitsimulation, Mechatronik/Regelung, KI Methoden