Freitag, 6. 9. 2024

Zeit Ort
9:00 - 10:30 Session Simulation Heat Raum 33/0101
  Christopher Bonenberger, Stephan Scholz and Nico Scheiter
Data-adaptive dynamic simulation via structured Dynamic Mode Decomposition
  Stephan Scholz, Christopher Bonenberger, Nico Scheiter and Lothar Berger
Simulation and Control of 2-Dimensional Anisotropic Heat Conduction
  Stephan Scholz, Lothar Berger and Dirk Lebiedz
Benchmarking of Flatness-based Control of the Heat Equation
9:00 - 10:30 Session Transport and Storage Raum 33/1101
  Ingolf Meinhardt, Frank Schulze and Thorsten Schmidt
Ermittlung der Flottengröße für Systeme Autonomer Mobiler Roboter (AMR)
  Mustafa Jelibaghu, Michael Eley, Oliver Rose, Alexander Palatnik, Leon Roth and Tim Thorwart
AGV Traffic Management: Simulation-Based Deadlock Resolution and Collision Reduction via Deep RL with PPO
  Maximilian Mowe, Jona Manemann, Lasse Jurgeleit, Maximilian Kiefer and Uwe Clausen
Simulation-Based Analysis of Storage Strategies for an Inland Container Terminal
9:00 - 10:30 Session DEVS Raum 33/0131
  Peter Junglas, David Jammer, Thorsten Pawletta and Sven Pawletta
Using component-based discrete-event modeling with NSA-DEVS – an invitation
  Thorsten Pawletta, David Jammer, Peter Junglas and Sven Pawletta
Visual NSA-DEVS Modeling Using an Adapted DEVS Diagram
10:30 Kaffeepause
11:00 - 12:00 Session Virtual Stochastic Sensors Raum 33/0101
  Dávid Bodnár and Claudia Krull
Comparing Different Pruning Strategies for the Evaluation Task of Virtual Stochastic Sensors
  Vishwajeet Karumuri and Claudia Krull
Virtual Stochastic Sensors for Ambient Assisted Living - Analyzing the Effect of Generalized Resident Behavior
12:00 Verabschiedung