Das SNE Special Issue 'Simulation in Production and Logistics - Impact of Energetic Factors', herausgegeben von der ASIM-Fachgruppe 'Simulation in Produkion und Logistik' ist online -
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- Energy-oriented Material Flow Simulation as a Contribution to Industry 4.0 in the Automotive Industry (Marco Seewaldt, Joachim Nagel, Dieter Geckler, Uwe Bracht)
- Assessment of Influencing Factors in Decentralized Energy Supply of Manufacturing Industries Using Probabilistic Methods (Heiko Dunkelberg, Henning Meschede, Fabian Stöhr, Jens Hesselbach)
- Allocation of Greenhouse Gas Emissions for Containers in Multimodal Transshipment Terminals Using Simulation (Uwe Clausen, Moritz Poeting)
- Simulation Study on Flexibilities in the Material and Energy Flows of an Open-pit Mine (Johannes Stoldt, Christin Fanghänel, Hans Rüdiger Lange, Andreas Schlegel, Thomas Woldt, Matthias Putz)
- Augmenting the OptimiZation of Production Planning by Factoring in Energy Procurement and Trading Options (Maximilian Selmair, Marc Hanfeld, Thorsten Claus, Frank Herrmann)
- Coupled Simulation of Energy and Material Flow Using Plant Simulation and MATLAB Simulink (Tim Peter, Sigrid Wenzel)
- A Multimodeling Approach for the Simulation of Energy Consumption in Manufacturing (Thorsten Pawletta, Artur Schmidt, Peter Junglas)