2018-12-09 to 2018-12-12: Winter Simulation Conference

2018 Winter Simulation Conference (WSC 2018), December 9-12, The Swedish Exhibition & Congress Center, Gothenburg, Sweden

Conference Theme: Simulation for a Noble Cause


WSC 2018 focus is on highlighting the use of simulation for noble causes!
Simulation has been found useful for a range of scientific, engineering and business applications as evident by the papers presented at Winter Simulation Conferences over the past 50 years. Simulation has been employed to help noble causes too over the recent past but such efforts have received limited attention. The 2018 conference seeks to highlight applications of simulation for noble causes in addition to continuing to report leading developments and applications in other fields. We especially invite papers describing uses of simulation in efforts analyzing and addressing issues facing humanity including, but not limited to, reducing poverty and world hunger, social causes, social problems, improving natural environment, and disaster response.